This may relate to the value of the economy, where the products offer a guarantee at a cheaper price; the value of nutrition, where food is proposed as 'healthy food'; and the value of convenience (Coveney&Santich, 1997; Coveney, 2009). Belasco (2008) believes that the contemporary food system offers convenience as a product. The term convenience has a deeper meaning which implies not only saving time, but also includes the least possible involvement of physical and psychological effort, starting from the planning process up to the actual preparation of the meal (Brunner, van der Horst &Siegrist, 2010). Referring to the definition of convenience, ready-to-eat food is any material that promotes "convenience" in all production, consumption and cleaning processes (Candel, 2001; Darian & Cohen, 1995 cited in Brunner, van der Horst & Siegrist, 2010). Cultural materials may include food prepared outside the home. Although convenience is usually perceived negatively, convenience is a dichotomy that also has a positive value for the consumer (Belasco, 2008). Similarly, Botonaki&Mattas (2010) argued that convenience offers both positive and negative values where the positive is convenience itself. Laudan (2010) stated that natural food is often unreliable, unpleasant and difficult to digest, which requires