This essay focuses on two theories by Erving Goffman and Michel Foucault on how society is ordered; will attempt to show how these two theorists approached understanding society and how it is ordered, as well as look for any similarities or differences between the two theories. When looking at how social order is constructed, it is not only important to study the role of the individual, but also the role of the state or government. The role they play in the order and rules of everyday interactions. Social order refers to unspoken rules of conduct in everyday life or a stable social situation in which connections are maintained without change or, if change occurs, it is in a predictable manner. (Taylor, 2009, p.173). also these case studies; Buchanan Report (1963), Monderman thesis (1980) will be linked to the theories of Goffman and Foucault, to help us understand how order is achieved and maintained by individuals, authorities and institutions, in certain places and in different contexts and how the social order is built in different historical moments. This essay focuses on the theories, claims and concepts of Goffman and Foucault, comparing and contrasting their ideas about social order and who makes the order, the evidence they draw on, and the different levels of social life on which each theorist chooses to concentrate. Both Goffman and Foucault are concerned with the broader questions of how society is produced and reproduced, but in particular how social order is created and remade. At the same time, both seek broader ways of understanding individual issues in the interaction. Goffman focuses on the individual, the interactional order and performances, while on the contrary Foucault focuses on discourses, power, knowledge... at the center of the paper... (2009) "making social order" in Taylor, S., Hinchliffe, S., Clarke, J. and Bromley, S. (eds), Making Social Lives, Milton Keynes, The Open University.Silva, EB (2009) 'making social order' in Taylor, S., Hinchliffe, S., Clarke, J. and Bromley, S. (eds), Making Social Lives, Milton Keynes, The Open University.Silva, EB (2009) 'Everyday Life and Social Order', in Taylor , S., Hinchliffe, S., Clarke, J. and Bromley, S. (eds), Making Social Lives, Milton Keynes, The Open University.Silva, EB (2009) 'Ordering Social Life: The case of road traffic', in Taylor, S. , Hinchliffe, S., Clarke, J. and Bromley, S. (eds), Making Social Lives, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Taylor, S. (2009) 'Who do we think we are? Identities in Everyday life', in Taylor, S., Hinchliffe, S., Clarke, J. and Bromley, S. (eds.), Making Social Lives, Milton Keynes, The Open University.