Topic > Essay - 1696

Which model of reflective inquiry did I use and why? As a starting point I chose to use the “Experiential Learning Model” (ELM) (Kolb & Fry, 1975) both for its simplicity and to limit my tendency to overcomplicate things as a way to avoid putting myself on the spot. page, which is something often commented on in previous feedback. (Kolb, 1984) Outline and reason for my question? My biggest personal challenge this year was opening a private practice; I became increasingly aware that the process of revealing myself to the public, telling who I was and what I stood for, along with where I could be found and contacted, was very exposed and this brought my first reflective inquiry question back into focus, which was “How might my fear of being close affect my practice?” At the same time, while I was struggling with my feelings about making myself public knowledge, I was also writing my Diploma Case Study, during which I made another observation, which had also been made before in supervision, namely that I sometimes have a reluctance to consider my role as it plays out within the therapeutic relationship. That is to say, I might lose the importance I might have within the relationship. Upon reflection I realized that I would be missing these vital elements and cues in client work because I simply didn't feel important enough to consider my self-importance. I realized that I had a strong injunction “I am not important” (Goulding & Goulding, 1979). With this observation brought into clearer focus I have determined a new question of reflective inquiry, which is “How does my sense of unimportantness influence my practice?” Perhaps my initial question two years ago wasn't just about... middle of paper......Kolb, D.A., & Fry, R. (1975). Toward an applied theory of experimental learning. C. Cooper, Group Process Theories. (1975). Journal of Transactional Analysis, 5 (3). Schiff, A. W., & Schiff, J. L. (1971). Journal of Transactional Analysis, 1 (1), 71-78. The psychodynamics of race and culture: An analysis of cultural scripting and ecological state transfer. In C. Sills and H. Hargaden, Key Concepts in transactional analysis. Contemporary views. New York, NY, USA: Grove Press.Zou, Y ., & Trueba, E. T. (1998). Introduction. In Y. Zou, & E. T. Trueba, Ethnic identity and power: Cultural contexts of political action in school society (p. 15). Albany: State University of New York Press.