Article from the British Nutrition Foundation's Nutrition Bulletin “Labeling in restaurants: will it make a difference?” it was written by Professor LC Savage and Professor RK Johnson. LC Savage is in the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Vermont, Burlington, and RK Johnson is a Professor of Nutrition in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Vermont, Burlington. The authors of this article are highly respected professors and lecturers at the University of Vermont. Rachel K Johnson has her doctorate in nutrition, from Pennsylvania State University. She is also an expert in national nutrition policy, pediatric nutrition, dietary intake methodology, and energy metabolism. According to their website, Nutrition Bulletin was founded in 1967 by Professor Alastair Frazer. The Nutrition Bulletin is a well-known magazine based in Great Britain, which is published quarterly; The scientific credibility of this journal is maintained through an editing process and through the submission of all articles and original research to a peer review process, which is then reviewed by an editorial board. Provides scientific reviews of aspects of nutrition and news on important or emerging issues in the field of human nutrition (Emma Williams, Sara Stanner and Judy Buttriss np). I believe this publication is credible because other experts in the same field of expertise review it before it is published in an academic journal. This also goes through a rigorous and rigorous review process. The authors have also gone through many years of training, to become leaders in the field of study. The article “Labeling in restaurants: will it make a difference?” it is written strictly in the center...... of the paper......nothing has changed, such as things added or things removed. I'm also going to look into whether there are any truly "healthy" options, because they contain high calorie options. Works Cited Williams, Emma, Sara Stanner, and Judy Buttriss. “Nutrition Bulletin Information.” Information on the nutritional bulletin. British Nutrition Foundation, n.d. Web. 16 April 2014. "Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences: University of Vermont." Department of Nutrition and Food Science: University of Vermont. THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, n.d. Web. April 17, 2014. Savage, L. C. and R. K. Johnson. “Labeling in restaurants: will it make a difference?” Nutrition Bulletin 31.4 (2006): 332-338. Academic research completed. Network. April 17. 2014.