Topic > The impact of time management and the causes of stress in...

IntroductionThis task is to understand the impact of time management and the causes of stress in the workplace; I will identify symptoms and behaviors and the impact it may have internally and externally. It will explain how to use effective personal time management and achieve team goals and have the ability to recognize and manage stress. Know how to use effective personal time management to achieve team goals. • I believe in the importance of effective time management because time is limited, so it is important to make the most of it, otherwise my day would spiral out of control and I would not be able to complete the important tasks I had planned to do , which would lead to me being stressed.• My strengths are: I plan my days with military precision and allow time even for those unexpected interruptions or emergencies, I will usually use 4 D practice if I am interrupted with something important, then I will decide if I can cancel, delegate, postpone or do it. I prioritize all my tasks for the day, so I know I won't miss any deadlines I might have. If I fail to meet my deadlines, it will impact externally and internally. Internally it would mean I will be behind on any other work I may have which would lead to me having to race to catch up and potentially fail and externally it would impact the client as this would demonstrate incompetence and they could lose faith in us as a business. • After creating a survey for my staff members, it became apparent that not many people planned their day, which would lead to a lack of structure and panic at the end of the day because some tasks weren't completed on time , so I set two smart goals for the team, which should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic... middle of paper... NO' when asked to take on more responsibility or extra work, but be able to explain why Work regular hours and take your breaks. Use the 4 D model to prioritize your workload Ask for help rather than suffer in silence Plan your day Maintain a healthy work/home balance Breathing exercises and meditation Regular chats with your manager. • Many sources of support are available to relieve stress in the workplace or elsewhere, including occupational health, family and friends, doctors, managers, human resources, NHS helpline, work colleagues, trade unions and networks of social support. Everyone is different in how they deal with stress and can find comfort simply by talking to family or going to their GP, but the main thing would be for them to identify that they are suffering from stress before they can ask for help.