The difference between absolutism and objectivism is that where objectivists believe that there are universal moral principles that people of all ethical backgrounds and cultures have the validity to follow, Absolutists believe that there are underlying values within these beliefs that strictly can never be ignored, violated or broken under any circumstances (REF). Furthermore, while absolutists believe in the idea that moral principles are “exception-free”, objectivists strongly follow the idea that life is situational and that we as human beings must adapt accordingly to the variables that arise, take them into account and then give her an account. a decision accordingly (REF). Within this introduction of variables applicable to any situation, it is therefore believed that each moral principle must be evaluated in relation to one another to produce the best possible outcome, and this is where the prevalence of values in an objectivist vision occurs , and where an absolutist would want to ignore these circumstances. Included in both of these philosophical systems is underlying reasoning...