Electricity is a type of energy necessary for the functioning of every electronic device. Ever since the great inventor Thomas Edison invented the first electronic light bulb, the need for electricity has grown to the point that it has become one of the survival requirements for modern man. Electricity can only be obtained by converting other energy sources into electrical energy or by using natural lightning as a direct source. Therefore, various power generators are responsible for producing electricity in human life. Nuclear power plant is an example of generators. Nuclear power plant is a type of power plant that uses energy from the nuclear fission of uranium to produce energy that helps spin the turbine and forward the rotation to the dynamo to generate electricity. The energy produced through nuclear power is extremely powerful and can be used as a country's main source of energy. Japan is one of the examples of a country that has fewer natural resources and uses nuclear energy as the main source of energy for the country. So, should nuclear power plants be introduced in Malaysia as a major energy source? Some support the claim that the use of nuclear power plants can reduce air pollution while conserving the use of fossil fuels. However, some side effects such as human health problems, environmental changes and explosion risk will be dragged into the use of nuclear power plants. Instances of air pollution can be reduced by introducing nuclear power plants. In Malaysia, the main energy source for electricity generation is the burning of fossil fuels, which produces various air pollutants such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide; that is......half of the document......n exchange with the high price of health influence, environmental pollution and nuclear epidemic which must be considered before jumping to conclusions. It may be beneficial to introduce nuclear energy to Malaysia, except that Malaysia may not be prepared with the necessary technology for this practice, which is crucial to effectively manage nuclear energy. Therefore, instead of using dangerous nuclear energy as an energy source, some alternative renewable energy sources such as biomass, solar energy, wave, wind, tidal or geothermal energy can be introduced in Malaysia, which are environmentally friendly and serve the purpose of producing additional energy for the country too. A choice or decision should be made only after going through layers of rational reflection as each and every choice of the moment serves as the main piece of the puzzle to complete the picture of the future.