About twenty percent of teenagers will suffer from depression before they reach adulthood (do something about it). This fact is directly related to adolescents' self-esteem and self-confidence. The quality of health depends on personal levels of self-esteem and self-confidence. For this reason it is essential to understand how to improve your self-esteem and self-confidence. Self-esteem is the opinion you have of yourself. It is strongly related to how people see themselves and react to situations that arise in their lives (better health). It can also be expressed as a sense of self-worth or worth and the degree to which we find, respect and care for ourselves (good therapy) Self-esteem is how we feel about who we are, it is our relationship with ourselves (counseling). The importance of self-esteem is based on the principle that healthy self-esteem acts as armor against the challenges of the world (children's health). It influences how a teenager lives their life and with positive self-esteem, a teenager is able to accept themselves (teen health). High self-esteem is very beneficial for a teenager. Positive self-esteem allows you to have better relationships, ask for help and support, and allows for better development in school. This is because if a teenager believes they can achieve a goal or solve a problem, they are more likely to do well in school (teenshealth). Furthermore, if you have adequate self-esteem, you are better able to deal with life's problems than people who don't. Overall they are better equipped to survive difficulties (netdoctors). If a teenager is aware of their strengths and weaknesses, they are more likely to feel better about themselves. Therefore, they would have a paper medium ......nce (consulting). Low self-confidence often results from a teenager having unrealistic expectations (counseling center). Low self-confidence can lead to several mental illnesses. This is because the pressure teens put on themselves to live up to expectations can lead to anxiety or weakened self-confidence. Negative thoughts about yourself or your abilities can lead to a downward spiral of underachievement and disappointment (counseling). For these reasons, improving both self-esteem and self-confidence are crucial to improving your overall health. Improving both of these topics requires attention and daily praise to increase. This is because it takes effort and vigilance to replace the unhelpful thoughts and behaviors a teen has created over time (better health). This ability to improve can be developed through setting and planning realistic goals.