For some, an acorn is just an acorn, nothing more than a nut. The acorn with its hard, leathery exterior and rich amber color signifies nothing more than the beginning of autumn. For others it represents great potential. This tiny seed has the ability to withstand many adverse effects including long periods of cold, drought and human interference. The fragile acorn contains all the elements necessary to become the giant, majestic oak that has become the symbol of strength. When conditions are right, the little nut will thrive and grow into a towering adult tree that provides oxygen and shade as nature intended. The most important factor for the budding tree is the environment. Like all other living things, the acorn needs care and ideal circumstances to develop properly. This also applies to humans and their offspring. Creating the perfect environment for a child to thrive is quite possibly the most important factor in the success of a well-adjusted adult human being. Let's look at the most important factor that determines the health of our adult relationships; this is infantile attachment. From the moment a child is born, those around him influence how he will act or react in a given relationship. It provides a solid foundation upon which all other relationships grow. The idea is that the success of all relationships depends on the success of the first, that is, the bond between the child and his mother or primary caregiver (Brodie, 2008). Infant attachment is the first relationship established between children and parents. their mothers or other primary caregivers (Craig & Dunn, 2010). Mother-infant attachment begins at birth and is considered by a group of... half of the paper... necessary to sustain sensitivity over time. In conclusion, mother-infant attachment paves the way for adult social development. relationships supported by Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation experiment and its sequel, Bowlby's 44 Thieves study, and Henry Harlow's classic experiment with monkeys. Furthermore, strong secure attachments generate healthy social relationships, while insecure attachments lead to difficult social and emotional problems. The best way to prevent insecure attachments is to create that strong mother-baby bond in the first year of life. It is critical that prospective parents are emotionally, financially and socially prepared for a new baby. Just as the acorn has the potential to become an oak tree with the right conditions and the right environment, a child also has the potential to become a successful adult with a healthy and supportive environment..