MISSION STATEMENTMission statements are used by organizations to explain their existence and communicate their intentions. .The goals and identity of a company depend on its mission statement, thus having to determine the purpose of the mission statement for that organization and its meaning.Defining a Mission StatementFalsey defines a mission statement as something that it tells us what a company does and what it IS. (Falsey, 1989) Mission statements usually tell the public what an organization is about, what direction it is headed, and its purpose. Gow writes that without a mission statement most independent schools feel insufficient and biased. Schools then choose mission statements that reflect the school's policies and programs, directing them toward the desirable future and presenting the school's purpose. (Gow, 2009) Rabow, M., Wrubel, J., and Remen, R. (2009) write that medical students' definitions of their individual mission statements included presence, love, and awe. (Rabow, M., Wrubel, J. , & Remen, R. 2009). For them the mission statement was about how to approach being a doctor in the real world and providing the best patient care as outlined in the Hippocratic Oath and how to grow as professionals. Purpose of a Mission StatementAccording to Gow (2009), the Commission on Independent Schools of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), accreditor of approximately 600 independent schools, mission statements intend for schools to have mission statements to explain the their existence and define the attitude of each school that differentiates it from the other. He also states that most schools use mission statements to show their uniqueness, market the schools, and attract new students. Each miss... half of the paper... statement must be unique, clear and confident enough to present and express one's beliefs and values. While words alone cannot define a company or business, its values, characteristics, morals and ethics help define it. Works CitedGow, P. (2009). What should mission statements do? Independent School, 69(1), 24-30. Falsey, T. A. (1989). Corporate philosophies and mission statements: A survey and guide for communicators and corporate management. Westport, CT: GreenwoodRabow, M., Wrubel, J., & Remen, R. (2009). Promise of professionalism: Personal mission statements among a national cohort of medical students. Annals of Family Medicine, 7(4), 336-342. DOI: 10.1370/afm.979Williams, L. (2008). The mission statement: a corporate reporting tool with past, present and future. Journal of Business Communication, 45(2), 94-119. DOI: 10.1177/0021943607313989