Topic > Development of Eating Disorders - 3016

The National Eating Disorders Association states that the average for women is 63.6 kg and the average model is 53 kg. Magazines and social media show what they think is the perfect weight, height, hair color, etc. And so many people are dissatisfied with themselves when they compare their appearance to that of society. This often leads to dissatisfied people developing an eating disorder. Having an eating disorder is a serious medical problem. They develop most frequently during adolescence, but can occur earlier or in adulthood and is more common among females than males. It's more than just a problem with food, they use it to try to gain control and relieve tension and anxiety. Some factors believed to contribute to the development of eating disorders: Social: Being very thin is socially ideal and appearance is very important to women in particular. Personal Characteristics: Often when people feel ugly, hopeless and helpless value and have a poor self-image, this leads to developing an eating disorder. Other emotional disorders: some mental problems such as depression and anxiety go hand in hand with an eating disorder. Stressful events or life changes: starting something new or experiencing a traumatic experience can lead to the development of an eating disorder. You Biology/Genes: Some scientists believe that genes, hormones, and chemicals in the brain can lead to the development of an eating disorder. Families: i Parents can influence how you perceive your appearance and diet. If a mother is anorexic, often the child is too because that is how he was raised. It is valid because it was written in the last 10 years, 4 years ago to be exact and it is reliable because it was written by a government body, I found it...... in the middle of the paper...... has an eating disorder, for example his mother. Short-term effects and symptoms are: Dizziness Fatigue Weakness Constipation Irritability Difficulty concentrating Difficulty sleeping Menstrual irregularities for girls Long-term effects are: Muscle atrophy Thinning hair Bone loss Tooth decay Delayed growth and development Anemia Digestive problems Heart problems Seizures DepressionIt is valid because it was written in the last 10 years, 2 years ago exactly, it is reliable because it was written by the staff of the mayo clinic which is a group of medical editors (as mentioned on the site), it is useful because it provides me with information in an easy-to-understand logical order and its limitations are that the authors are not named so it is not possible to confirm their credentials or contact them for information/questions. (Staff, 2012)