Topic > Sociology Essentials: A Practical Approach

Gender roles are expectations established by society based on society's beliefs and values ​​regarding gender and sex (Henslin 2015). My mother told me when I was little that being a woman was hard work, she would look down on me and tell me how much easier life would be if I had been born a girl. I didn't understand what he meant at the time, but as I grew older I understood the meaning behind our conversation. My mother is an old fashioned Mexican lady and in Mexico the role of a woman is to be a housewife, take care of the children and the house, listen to your husband obey his rules and stay calm even when he is unfaithful or beats you. My father's role was to bring the bread, he had no rules. He wasn't affectionate perhaps because he had to fulfill his role which was to be fearless, strong and masculine. My mother, on the other hand, was always caring, polite and loving. Gender roles can also be a factor in inequality. Many women today still face inequality. It has been repeatedly shown in studies that women are paid less than men in most working occupations. There was a time when women were not allowed to vote or buy property. In some cultures women still have inequality problems. For example, the Muslim community has very strict rules regarding women's clothing and marriage arrangements. Women are seen as property without authority. Women are not considered providers of this