Topic > Healthy Holiday Entertainment - 602

Healthy Holiday Entertainment As the holidays approach, numerous celebrations can be seen almost everywhere and with them comes lavish and decadent dishes. Keeping healthy can be a tedious job, especially during the holidays, so planning healthy meals is a must when you're hosting the party. Take the time to plan each recipe you'll serve and reduce those calorie-laden temptations but create healthier food options. Holidays shouldn't just be about indulgent eating, but should be more about enjoying the holidays with family and friends. Here are some reminders you should keep in mind when it comes to having a healthy holiday::Don't Skip MealsIf you're planning to host a holiday party, don't skip meals before the event. You can also eat light snacks like fruit, yogurt or nuts before the party. This will prevent you from being too hungry and losing control, which could lead to overeating. Remember to always eat breakfast as this is the first meal of the day and studies show that those who eat breakfast are more easily satisfied in subsequent meals....